By the Numbers: Beer and Life, Adjusted


“Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating. Life is short, live your dream and wear your passion.”
–  Holstee Manifesto

Even if we don’t love math, beer nerds love numbers.

IBUs, ABVs, ratings on BeerAdvocate, check-ins with Untappd … the list goes on.

We thrive on measurables. The quantitative side of our passion provides a means to determine fandom, successes or experience.

Except when it comes to the most important part of our community – the people. We can’t put a figure on the value of interactions we have with each other. It’s not that kind of transaction. Our relationships guide us, teach us and allow us to grow. Maybe even make us bigger beer nerds than we thought.

Beyond the number of followers you may tweet to or Facebook friends filling up your news feed, the ultimate measurement of success – in real life – often boils down to the simple act of counting worthwhile experiences you’ve shared with others. It’s cliche, but true. We’re a social people, after all.

So while some may wear their passion for beer as a bulge at their gut, a beard on their chin or wide-eyes when they hear the word “Pliny,” these sometimes silly commonalities of what bring us together are important … because even though they’re silly, they’re still what bring us together.

Instead of scoring our experiences in terms of bottles collected or rare beers tasted, let’s never overlook the value of the people we meet and what they may bring to our perspective or our experiences.

Cheers to Josh Short and Oliver Gray, who wear their passion.

Oliver, Josh and I, meeting to celebrate beer, for the first time.

Related: Check out Josh’s recap of the evening and Oliver’s thoughts and photo collage.

+Bryan Roth
“Don’t drink to get drunk. Drink to enjoy life.” — Jack Kerouac

21 thoughts on “By the Numbers: Beer and Life, Adjusted

  1. Too bad you guys live all the way on the wrong side of the country!

    1. I would say we live on the “right” side of the country.

      1. Only if you’re facing north!

  2. Looking forward to adding my ugly mug to one of these pictures in the future. My gram turned 90 this weekend and I like her so I was out of town celebrating that. But she told me she wasn’t going to turn 90 again so I’m free in the future.

  3. I’m bummed I missed meeting you fellas. Eventually, I’m sure.

  4. That’s awesome. Did the establishment realize the greatness that was convening within their hallowed halls?

    1. In the pantheon of greatness from Zero to Hero, we fall somewhere around Steve Urkel, I’m afraid.

      1. You couldn’t even get a little Stefan Urquelle to peak through?

    2. I signed my first ever autograph! It was so so awkward!

      1. Signing the check for your wife doesn’t count, Oliver.

  5. Nice! Hopefully I’ll be able to make it down in the new year to meet up (maybe in D.C.?)

    1. Looking forward to it!

  6. I’m happy to wear my passion as long as my passion does not equate to pants.

    1. I think you’re supposed to wear your passion inside your pants, so this may be a problem.

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